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Solve pollution. Save lives.
Protect the planet.

Pure Earth uses our research, expertise, and global presence to advocate for ending the multigenerational cycle of mercury and lead poisoning.

Pure Earth works with host country governments and international organizations to help them understand the threat of lead and mercury poisoning in vulnerable communities, and develop and implement policies and enforcement mechanisms that address sources of lead and mercury poisoning as well their effects on children already poisoned.

In addition, Pure Earth educates the United States Government and other donor governments about the scale and impact of lead and mercury poisoning globally, especially on children; and encourages that they use that knowledge to commit financial and diplomatic resources to end these scourges.

"Kona Ne Bad” (“Burning Is Bad”) – that was the message splashed across t-shirts and posters, and shouted through megaphones by our team as they did a walk-through of the Agbogbloshie e-waste dumpsite in Ghana (Aug 2016).

Advocacy Highlights

Pure Earth Celebrates Launch of the Partnership for a Lead-Free Future at the UN General Assembly

This has been an unprecedented week for Pure Earth, and all organizations across the globe working to solve the childhood lead poisoning crisis.  Pure Earth Founder, Rich Fuller and Executive Director, Drew McCartor were in attendance September 23rd at the launch of the Partnership for a Lead-Free Future – a public-private partnership dedicated to tackling this neglected yet solvable issue affecting one-in-two children in lower income countries. 

The Partnership for a Lead Free Future (PLF) kicks off with 26 member countries, 38 partner organizations, and $150 million in funding with the ambition to end childhood lead poisoning in developing nations by 2040.

U.S. Congressional Committee Report Features Global Lead Exposure

For the past several years, we’ve worked to educate the U.S. Congress and advocate for funding to address lead exposure globally. That work is paying off.  For the first time ever, a Congressional Committee report commented on the threat of lead exposure globally. Combined with the Senate Resolution introduced earlier this year, this shows that Senators are beginning to understand the importance of this issue, and to call for U.S. leadership in stopping childhood lead poisoning globally by addressing the problem at its source.

U.S. Senate Resolution on Lead Poisoning Globally

Over the past year, Pure Earth has intensified its efforts to build awareness with governments, particularly the U.S. Government, about the scale and impact of global lead poisoning.

We’ve shared Pure Earth’s expertise and research with the U.S. Congress, and it is making a difference.  The latest evidence of impact is the Senate resolution calling on the United States to invest in ending toxic lead exposure globally.  Introduced by Sen. Cardin (D-MD), the resolution recognizes lead’s effects on human health, especially to children, and urges the U.S. Government’s international programs to prioritize lead exposure prevention to ensure a safer and healthier future for all children.

USAID Calls Lead Poisoning a Global Health Priority

In January at the World Economic Forum, the Administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development, Samantha Power, announced a global call to action to fight lead poisoning.  She committed the agency to support low- and middle-income countries in rolling out and enforcing binding regulations to curtail lead in consumer goods like paint, spices, and cosmetics.

Pure Earth at the 2024 World Health Assembly and Geneva Health Forum

USAID kept the ball rolling in May by hosting a high-level meeting at the World Health Assembly to elevate the global health community’s attention to the negative impact of lead exposure on the health and well-being, particularly on mothers and children.  Pure Earth’s Philippines Country Director Larah Ortega Ibañez participated in the event!

At the same time, Pure Earth President and Founder Richard Fuller was invited along with the Global Alliance on Health and Pollution to participate in a session at the 2024 Geneva Health Forum called “Bridging science and policy on health and pollution.”  Fuller presented the latest data on the burden of disease of the WHO chemicals of public health concern, including lead.

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