Country Summary
Pure Earth’s work in Tanzania began in 2007, and since then three TSIP trainings in Tanzania have been conducted. To date, 187 sites have been assessed for toxic contamination in Mbeya, Dar es Salaam, Arusha, Kilimanjaro, Geita, Mwanza regions among others. The majority of identified sites are found in areas where mining activities are carried out, namely in the Northern and Western regions of the country (Mbeya, Geita, Shinyanga and Mwanza). Various key pollutants detected in Tanzania include mercury, lead, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, pesticides, and VOCs. Of these pollutants, mercury was found in 71% of the sites, lead in 12%, chromium in 10%, cadmium in 3%, chromium (Hex) in 1%, DDT in 1%, pesticides in 1%, and other pollutants in 1%.
Lancet Commission on Pollution and Health-Tanzania Summary
Pollution is responsible for 16.8% of deaths in Tanzania. Learn more about how pollution affects health and the economy in Tanzania by reading the Tanzania Summary Report, based on the Lancet Commission on Pollution and Health.
Project Pages
Projects in Progress
Completed Projects
- Dar es Salaam – Wastewater Treatment
- Leaded Gasoline Phase Out
- Msimbazi River Action Network
- Pollution Prevention in Lake Victoria
- Sewer Infrastructure
TSIP Trainings
Blog Posts
Read more about our work in Tanzania in The Pollution Blog:
- Gold Mining in Tanzania (July 2012)