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Professional Development

Free Professional Development Resources: This platform offers over 600 free online courses, videos, and certificate programs tailored for nonprofits. Examples of courses in relevant subjects include:

  1. Project management 
  2. Fundraising 
  3. Grant proposal writing and grant management
  4. Accounting and finance
  5. Communications and marketing
  6. Leadership and management
  7. And many other relevant topics 

Philanthropy University: This site provides 19 free courses focused on increasing the impact of nonprofits and social enterprises. They offer classes on strategy, leadership, fundraising, and measurement. 

Coursera: Offering a variety of courses relevant to nonprofit management and public health issues, Coursera features content from universities like Stanford and Johns Hopkins. Some courses are free to audit, with a fee applied if certification is desired. 

edX: Similar to Coursera, edX offers courses from universities around the world, including topics like ‘Global Public Health’. Many courses are free unless you want to receive a certificate. 

Environmental Public Health Online Courses (EPHOC): The US Centers for Disease Control runs Environmental Public Health Online Courses (EPHOC) in coordination with Pace and Tulane Universities. EPHOC is a set of 15 free courses in environmental health, including a few courses related to general environmental health, hazardous waste and materials and occupational health and safety.

National Environmental Health Association: NEHA offers a free online, 6 course module on Environmental Health and Land Use Certification about brownfields remediation. Access the free course through MyNEHA. NEHA members can log in with an existing account. Non-members can create an account for free and register.

UDEMY: UDEMY offers a variety of online, on demand courses for a fee. Classes are often under $100 each, but monthly subscriptions are available as well. A free trial is available to test out content. Our CEO recommends these UDEMY class: Using Artificial Intelligence for Work, and AI for Work.

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