Indonesian educational materials were made in conjunction with the Mercury Contamination from Artisanal Gold Mining Project in Central Kalimantan. The project, which began in February 2009, has identified 250 small-scale artisanal gold mining hotspots, created by over 300,000 miners in the region. UNIDO estimates that mercury amalgamation from this kind of gold mining results in the release of an estimated 1,000 tons of mercury per year, which constitutes about 30 percent of the world’s anthropogenic mercury emissions. Once released into the environment, mercury can damage economic, environmental and human health. YTS, a local NGO, has partnered with Pure Earth to expand the use of mercury retorts and water-box condensers in these artisanal mining areas, in order to reduce the amount of mercury used by miners and mitigate health impacts.

Community Educational Materials
- HPAP: Kalimantan, Indonesia
- Lancet Commission on Pollution and Health- Indonesia Summary
- Video of gold miners in Indonesia – Mercury: The Burning Issue
- Height chart used by children in the community to promote growing up healthy and mercury-free
- Brochure made by Pure Earth’s partner YTS on the dangers of gold mining with mercury
- Mercury: The Tailing Issue
- The Manado Method
- Lead Fact Sheet 2023
- Height Chart 2023