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Success Stories

Muchtar Mawardi and His Legacy for a Lead-Free Tegal Regency

KLIK DI SINI untuk membaca artikel dalam Bahasa Indonesia. For Muchtar Mawardi, Head of the Environmental Agency (DLH) of Tegal Regency, Central Java, Indonesia, addressing pollution—especially lead contamination—is a major challenge that requires contributions from multiple parties. Under his leadership,.

Muchtar Mawardi dan Warisan untuk Kabupaten Tegal Bebas Timbal

CLICK HERE to read the article in English. Bagi Muchtar Mawardi, SKM., M.Kes., Kepala Dinas Lingkungan Hidup (DLH) Kabupaten Tegal, persoalan penanganan pencemaran, khususnya timbal, merupakan permasalahan besar yang memerlukan kontribusi banyak pihak. Di bawah kepemimpinannya, DLH Kabupaten Tegal melakukan.

Mexico: Success Stories from the Circle of Women

Lead poisoning in Mexico is an urgent health problem that can cause brain damage,  IQ loss, and other developmental delays especially in children who eat food prepared and served in lead-glazed pottery. Despite the fact that almost half of all.

Peru: Innovative Research on Reforestation Helps Gold Miners Bring Back Life To Damaged Rainforest

Recent high profile news reports, such NBC's "Paradise Lost: The weight of gold," are bringing fresh attention to the problem of mercury pollution and deforestation. Our latest story from the field shows the progress we are making in researching and.

Peru: A Mining Association in the Amazon Learns the Art of Mercury-free Gold

In a remote mining corridor in Peru, a mining association called AMATAF is on a mission to change the face of gold mining in the Amazon. [caption id="attachment_19667" align="alignnone" width="600"] Land degraded by gold mining can be seen in the.

Empowering Women Gold Miners in Indonesia: The Women in Mining and Energy Initiative

What a terrific team! Seven of the eight founding members of WiME (Women in Mining and Energy) in Indonesia. (left to right : Omar, Dian, Budi, Nukila, Khoirun, Dedy and Maya)   Jan. 2019--This month, a new initiative, Women in Mining.

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