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Project Updates

Pure Earth Philippines Country Director Larah Ortega-Ibañez Joins UNICEF Webinar on Lead Exposure Risk Assessment

In January, Pure Earth Philippines Country Director Larah Ortega-Ibañez participated in a webinar hosted by the Partnership for a Lead-Free Future, providing practical guidance on how to conduct an environmental lead exposure risk assessment.  The session explored strategies for risk.

Pure Earth Launches New Lead-Prevention Program in Seven Countries

Pure Earth is pleased to announce the launch of a new program, “Mitigating Lead Exposure in Low- and Middle-Income Countries,” being implemented in Colombia, Egypt, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Peru, and the Philippines. Support for this program comes from a generous.

Women Miners in Madre de Dios Lead a Mercury-Free Future with Restored Landscapes

In the heart of the Peruvian Amazon, Madre de Dios faces the environmental and social challenges posed by artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM). However, a group of women is transforming this reality through an innovative project led by Pure.

Mujeres Mineras en Madre de Dios Lideran un Futuro Sin Mercurio y con Paisajes Restaurados

En el corazón de la Amazonía peruana, Madre de Dios se enfrenta a los desafíos del impacto ambiental y social causado por la minería artesanal y de pequeña escala (MAPE). Sin embargo, un grupo de mujeres está transformando esta realidad.

Perú Abriendo Camino hacia la Minería Responsable

El sector de la joyería tiene una oportunidad única de impactar positivamente en el mundo al optar por metales preciosos obtenidos de manera ética y responsable. En Pure Earth Perú, nuestro compromiso es colaborar con la transformación de la minería.

Peru Leads the Way in Responsible Gold Mining

At Pure Earth Peru, our commitment is to support the transformation of artisanal mining in Madre de Dios, a region of incredible biodiversity where traditionally informal, mercury-dependent gold mining has caused significant environmental and social damage. Through our project Strengthening.

Pure Earth Releases New Technical Protocols for Mitigating Lead and Mercury Exposure

In December, Pure Earth released new and updated technical guidelines and protocols on mitigating lead and mercury exposure, which draw on our 25 years of expertise in assessing and preventing exposure to toxic pollution. The protocols are based on our.

Indonesia Kicks Off the First Phase of Blood Lead Surveillance Piloting

The implementation of the first phase of blood lead surveillance (BLS) piloting in Indonesia, as part of the Strengthening Health Systems to Reduce Lead Exposure project, has reached a significant milestone. Following extensive preparations since April 2024—including numerous technical meetings.

Colombia: Liderando la Regulación y la Lucha Contra la Contaminación por Mercurio

La contaminación por mercurio, principalmente generada por actividades mineras ilícitas, representa una de las mayores amenazas para el medio ambiente y la salud pública en Colombia, siendo el principal emisor per cápita de mercurio en el mundo, con una liberación.

International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week (ILPPW) 2023: Pure Earth’s Global Efforts in Lead Poisoning Prevention

Pure Earth teams around the world joined WHO and dozens of other organizations in marking the 11th year of International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week (ILPPW) galvanizing efforts around this year’s theme, “End Childhood Lead Poisoning”. The WHO expanded the list.

India: Government Committees to Make Bihar a Lead Pollution-Free State

Written By: Sandeep Dahiya, Director Advocacy and Communications, Pure Earth India This July, Pure Earth, the Institute of Environment and Eco-Development (IEED), Vital Strategies and  Mahavir Cancer Institute and Research Center convened a half-day, high-level conference “Understanding Lead Poisoning Prevalence.

Bangladesh: Pledging to Build a Lead-Free Environment

Learn more about how we are building support for action on lead poisoning in Bangladesh in this report from Bushra Humaira Sadaf, Senior Communications Manager, Pure Earth Bangladesh. [caption id="attachment_23810" align="alignnone" width="599"] Organizers and presenters with special guests, chair, and.

Pure Earth Bangladesh: Teaching 16 Million Students About Lead Pollution Through The National Curriculum

Pure Earth Bangladesh plans to protect their country's future by accelerating nationwide awareness through the inclusion of lead pollution into the national curriculum. Learn more in this post from Bushra Humaira Sadaf, Senior Communications Manager, Pure Earth Bangladesh. Protecting Our.

Spotlight on Philippines: Pushing For Greater Good In Environmental Health

    I believe good comes from hard and heart work. That’s why I’m proud to be part of Pure Earth Philippines, a team willing to put in the hard work, motivated by big hearts beating for the greater good..

Pure Earth Alums Expand Focus on Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Over the years, Pure Earth has cultivated and worked with a dedicated and highly skilled global network of professionals that we continue to call on for regional and specialized expertise. Recently, a group of our colleagues launched a new organization.

Spotlight on Ghana: Flagship Country in Africa for Pure Earth’s Lead Reduction Efforts

Esmond Quansah, Pure Earth Ghana's Country Director, highlights the pollution problems facing his country, and how his team is working to fix it. Learn more about our work in Ghana  and follow Pure Earth Ghana on social media:  Instagram, Twitter,.

Spotlight on Peru: Leading the development of responsible models of mining

Rodrigo Velarde, Pure Earth's new Country Manager for Peru, shares an update on his team's work in developing responsible solutions to mitigate pollution, and achieving recognition in the Latin American region for its work to create the first mercury-free gold.

A World Free of Lead Poisoning – Roundtable Highlights Opportunities For India’s G20 Presidency

This report is from Sandeep Dahiya, Pure Earth India's Director of Advocacy and Communications. A high-level roundtable, "A World Free of Lead Poisoning," convened on Tuesday, 25th April 2023, in New Delhi, India, by the Center for Global Development, in.

Spotlight on Mexico: Opening Up A World Of Possibilities For Families In Need

In this spotlight, Agustín Gama, Pure Earth’s new Country Director for Mexico, shares an update on the work of our team in Mexico.  Visit the Pure Earth Mexico page to learn more. For Spanish-language access, visit the project website

Spotlight on Colombia: A Benchmark of Knowledge and Innovation in the Region

In this spotlight, Lizeth Olaya Zambrano, Pure Earth’s new Country Director for Colombia, shares an update on the work of our team in Colombia. Their recent accomplishments include winning one of the top prizes in a global competition to conserve.

Spotlight on Bangladesh: Taking Unified Actions to Solve Lead Pollution

In this spotlight, Pure Earth’s Country Director for Bangladesh, Dr. Mahfuzar Rahman, and Pure Earth Bangladesh Communications Lead, Mitali Das, share updates about the team's efforts to mitigate lead pollution in Bangladesh. Follow and stay updated on Pure Earth Bangladesh.

Looking for Lead in Markets Across 25 Countries

In 2021, Pure Earth launched an ambitious project to analyze the lead (Pb) content in thousands of consumer products in markets across 25 low- and middle-income countries. This project, the Rapid Market Screening (RMS),  is the first analysis of its.

2022 Highlights: A Year of Growth

2022 was a year of growth. Pure Earth programs doubled in size, enabling us to expand our focus on lead and mercury in the most impacted countries. As a result of this expansion, long-time Pure Earth officer Drew McCartor, who.

Bangladesh: Toxic Lead Cleanup Brings Hope to Residents In Mirzapur and Beyond

This report from the field by Pure Earth program officer Lavanya Nambiar shares updates about how our work is improving  lives in a village in Bangladesh .  In Mirzapur, a small village on the outskirts of Bangladesh’s capital city, Dhaka,.

Peru: In Their Own Words – Miners Talk About Bringing Change To The Amazon

For over four years, Pure Earth has been working with a mining association in an alliance that was formed thanks to the working relationship between the association's president Vilma C. and Pure Earth local coordinator France Cabanillas.  Today, the mining.

India: Educating a Community Through Murals, Comic Books

Join us on a walk through a community in Vellore with Sandeep Dahiya, Pure Earth India's Director of Strategic Communications.  The people of Rangapuram, Vellore, India, are busy, have less educational opportunities, and are not very  aware of lead exposure.

India: Understanding Lead Poisoning Prevalence And What To Do To Protect India’s Children

Sandeep Dahiya, Pure Earth India’s Director of Strategic Communications, reports on this important meeting on childhood lead poisoning. Pure Earth India, in collaboration with TERI - The Energy and Resources Institute, organized a seminar on “Understanding Lead Poisoning Prevalence in.

Pure Earth Makes Global Waves During International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week

On October 20, just days before we launched our global outreach for International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week (ILPPW), we received word that Pure Earth President Richard Fuller was being recognized as one of Vox's Future Perfect 50, honoring individuals building a more perfect future. In.

Mexico: Success Stories from the Circle of Women

Lead poisoning in Mexico is an urgent health problem that can cause brain damage,  IQ loss, and other developmental delays especially in children who eat food prepared and served in lead-glazed pottery. Despite the fact that almost half of all.

Ghana: Pure Earth School Clubs in Ghana: Where Children Learn about Pollution to Safeguard Their Future

The Pure Earth Club is a school club comprised of students who are being taught and nurtured to love their environment and to protect it through the reduction of pollution, not only by words but by action. They are supervised.

Colombia: Pure Earth Selected as Finalist in $1 Million Challenge to Reduce Mercury in the Amazon

Out of 121 applicants from 22 countries, a team from Pure Earth Colombia has emerged as one of the top 13 finalists selected for a $1 million challenge prize to protect the Amazon from impacts of artisanal and small-scale gold.

Peru: A Mining Association in the Amazon Learns the Art of Mercury-free Gold

In a remote mining corridor in Peru, a mining association called AMATAF is on a mission to change the face of gold mining in the Amazon. [caption id="attachment_19667" align="alignnone" width="600"] Land degraded by gold mining can be seen in the.

2021 Highlights: The Milestones We Reached, Work Accomplished

Pure Earth reached several milestones in 2021, including critical recognition as the most effective organization working today to solve the global childhood lead poisoning crisis! We are especially proud of this as it reflects the hard work put in by the.

Circle of Women: Creating Safe Spaces For Innovation And Health With Traditional Potters In Mexico

Why are women's circles important? Because as women, we spend our time caring for others. We take care of men, the elderly, children, but sometimes we forget to also take care of ourselves. Women's circles are important because historically, those.

(UPDATE) Transforming Agbogbloshie: From Toxic Dump Into Model Recycling Center

  UPDATE: June 2015 It has been eight months since Pure Earth opened the e-waste recycling center with automated wire-stripping units. We have been assessing what is working and what is not, as we enter the next phase of the project..

Training Women in Senegal

Next month, Blacksmith returns to Senegal to provide livelihood training to women so that they will not have to go back to the dangerous job of backyard battery recycling--the activity that triggered the tragic lead poisoning outbreak in 2008 that killed 32 children in Thiaroye.

Why Are Millions of Children in Mexico Still Suffering From Lead Poisoning?

In 1991, the daughter of the U.S. ambassador to Mexico was found to have high lead levels in her blood. It launched an outcry on both sides of the border against the use of toxic lead glazes in Mexican pottery,.

Battery Recycling Done Correctly

Worker in protective gear with a one-ton chunk of lead; an ingot that will now be sold. RSR battery recycling plant in Indianapolis After visiting so many terrible, appalling, toxic backyard battery recyclers in the developing world, we thought we.

Engaging the Chinese Public in Environmental Issues

China is currently facing a wave of dissatisfaction over the state of pollution in the country with calls for greater transparency. A new Blacksmith project might just have a solution. This report is from Abby Schultz in Blacksmith’s China office: --- The.

Wishing for a Soccer Field that Does Not Poison

                Pure Earth is launching the cleanup of a lead-contaminated soccer field in Cinangka, Indonesia, so that children in the village can play without being poisoned. The project, starting this month, is being.

Pollution cleanup gets serious in Indonesia

Pollution is finally getting official attention in Indonesia July, 2013 You know that a government is getting serious about something when there are official workshops and conferences. We are glad to report that last month, the Indonesian Ministry of Environment.

The Toxic Rice Fields of China’s Cancer Villages

Farmer Youtian He's wife and daughter near their polluted rice fields.  Mrs. He and other relatives are suffering from cancer. He worries about his young daughter. The bright green rice fields planted close to the brick-and-tile homes in Shangba, a.

Mercury Negotiations Recharged With Hot Chocolate and Cookies

Fernando Lugris, chair of the INC negotiations (left), with representatives of the Global Alliance on Health and Pollution at INC5. I attended the INC5 mercury negotiations in Geneva last month along with members of the Global Alliance on Health and.

Pollution Lessons from History

News about pollution has lately been dominated by reporting on China's increasingly toxic air, water and land.  All this attention is crucial because it is the catalyst to change. We don't know when or where, but change is bound to.

Protecting Children in Schools Where Uranium Was Mined For Atomic Bomb, Kyrgyzstan

As we've been harshly reminded, schools can sometimes be exposed to great danger. The tragedy last month in the U.S. got us thinking about what we are doing in schools in Mailuu-Suu, Kyrgyzstan. Although the threat is different, the response.

Working with the “enemy”

I see the "us" and "them" mentality all too often especially when pollution is involved.  Take legacy pollution for example. Legacy pollution refers to what is left behind after the source of the contamination - say a polluting factory -.

One-Stop Shop For Pollution Solutions

Retailers figured it out a long time ago. They could improve business if they made shopping easier. So they began to offer consumers everything they might need under one roof. Hence the success and popularity of one-stop shops. In a.

Blacksmith’s Pollution Tipping Point with Karti Sandilya

Karti Sandilya, Advisor, Blacksmith Institute In Malcolm Gladwell's bestselling book The Tipping Point, he describes how little things can make a big difference, and he points to "connectors" - people who provide links to others - as a crucial element.

A Solution To India’s Pollution Nightmare

I recently came across the article India's Pollution Nightmare:  Can it be Tackled?, in which the author, Govindasamy Agoramoorthy, talks about three big perils plaguing India - polluting tanneries, lead contamination from informal battery recycling, and riverside industries that dump toxic waste into.

“Miracle” Mercury Recapturing Machine

[caption id="attachment_15423" align="alignnone" width="128"] Low-cost retort for recapturing mercury[/caption] August 2011 This is what I like to call our "miracle" mercury recapturing machine. Using simple, low-cost retorts like the one pictured here, Pure Earth has been able to reduce the.

Read All About it – God’s Paradise Starts to Shed World’s Worst Polluted Label

"God's Paradise Will be Removed from World's Worst Polluted Places" “Declared Green Zone at God's Paradise – Happiness Where There Was Once Contamination.” “Park Provides Health at God's Paradise” These local headlines tell the story. Twelve days ago, Paraíso de.

Innovations and Collaborations this September

I am glad to report that the Rockefeller Foundation has invited us back to the Bellagio Center in Italy this September to reconvene the next international meeting about the Health and Pollution Fund (HPF) - the planned $500 million public.

Back from Mexico – Removing Lead from a Tradition

Just returned from Mexico with Blacksmith's globe-trotting program officer Bret Ericson (who's also the task manager for our global inventory project).  For me, Mexico always brings to mind wonderful, colorful pottery, perhaps because there is a such a strong ceramics.

Video of gold miners in Indonesia – Mercury: The Burning Issue

Amalgam of mercury and gold I first blogged about the toxic connection between gold and mercury back in December in my post All That Glitters, when the price of gold reached a record high.  Back then, we asked you to.

Save a Life this Holiday Season

HAPPY HOLIDAYS!  I am taking this shameless opportunity to remind everyone out there that there's still time to take Blacksmith Institute's $5 a Day December Holiday Challenge!  So if you are still wondering what to get that somebody who has.

Potty Training Pigs and Other Great Solutions

I was going to write about Copenhagen and "climategate" today ... but then I came across a curious piece of news about potty training pigs! It seems a farmer in Taiwan has trained his pigs to use a litter box,.

Lessons from the past for Copenhagen

For the next two weeks, the eyes of the world will be on Copenhagen, where leaders of some 200 countries have gathered to try to find some kind of consensus on tackling the problem of climate change. "Unless the world can.

All that glitters…

young gold miner in Indonesia. Photo from The price of gold hit a record high today, reaching $1,216.75 an ounce in Europe. What does this have to do with pollution? Well, in this age of globalization, everything is connected.

The Pollution Blog is online–join us as we take pollution offline!

Richard Fuller in Rudnaya Pristan, listed in Blacksmith's 2006 report as one of the world's worst polluted places Here we go, joining the digital age. Welcome, all, to Blacksmith Institute's blog about pollution, solutions to same, and everything related... A.

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