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News Coverage

Heavy Metals in Baby Food: How this California Regulation Will Make Children Safer

A California regulation went into effect this month that marks a significant milestone in preventing infant exposure to heavy metals. The new regulation requires manufacturers to disclose heavy metal levels in baby food. This regulation is part of the California.

Pure Earth Ghana Participates in the World Bank Regional Dialogue on Mercury and E-Waste Pollution Management

Pure Earth was honored to participate in the World Bank Regional Dialogue on Mercury and E-Waste Pollution Management in Tanzania earlier this month. Rev. Dr. Esmond Quansah, Pure Earth Ghana's Country Director, represented Pure Earth, presenting our innovative solutions for.

Pure Earth Celebrates Launch of the Partnership for a Lead-Free Future at the UN General Assembly

This has been an unprecedented week for Pure Earth, and all organizations across the globe working to solve the childhood lead poisoning crisis.  Pure Earth Founder, Rich Fuller and Executive Director, Drew McCartor were in attendance September 23rd at the.

Pure Earth Launches Mercury Impact Assessment Project in Ghana with International Collaboration

Accra, Ghana — On August 27th, 2024, a significant stride towards environmental sustainability and public health was made as Blacksmith Initiative dba Pure Earth launched the Mercury Impact Assessment Study Project in Accra. The project, funded by the Foreign Commonwealth.

Pure Earth Ghana Hosts Successful Workshop to Combat Lead Pollution and Poisoning at the University of Ghana

As part of Pure Earth’s advocacy campaign, we engaged the students at the University of Ghana, Department of Earth Science (Ghana Institute of Geoscience) to empower the youth to combat lead pollution and poisoning. Pure Earth Ghana with the University.

Yayasan Pure Earth Indonesia: What Does the Press Say about Lead and its Environmental and Health Hazards?

Preventing and reducing the adverse effects of lead exposure that is harmful to the environment and health, especially for children, is a commitment that Yayasan Pure Earth (PE) Indonesia continues to maintain. This commitment includes continuing to intervene in research.

Apa Kata Pers soal Timbel dan Bahayanya Bagi Lingkungan dan Kesehatan?

Mencegah dan mengurangi dampak buruk pajanan timbel yang berbahaya bagi lingkungan dan kesehatan terutama bagi anak-anak merupakan komitmen yang terus dijaga oleh Yayasan Pure Earth (PE) Indonesia. Komitmen ini termasuk untuk terus melakukan intervensi dalam upaya penelitian, intervensi teknis, rekomendasi.

Bangladesh: New Studies Reveal Alarming Findings on Lead Pollution, Need For Urgent Multi-Sectoral Actions

New studies reveal devastating new data on lead pollution in Bangladesh, the fourth most lead pollution-impacted country in the world. Learn more in this post by Mitali Das, Communications Lead, and Bushra Humaira Sadaf, Senior Communications Manager, Pure Earth Bangladesh. .

Pure Earth Film Awarded Grand Prix Prize at WHO’s Health For All Film Festival

"One in 36 Million" is the story of one boy, who is just one out of 36 million children living with lead poisoning in Bangladesh. The lesson of the film is that we have solutions. Help us tell this young.

Planning Our Strategy

The Pure Earth program and management team recently concluded a three-day retreat at a donated vacation home in coastal Maine. There was much to plan as Pure Earth received a new grant and a renewal from a previous funder. In addition, our.

Global Commission On Pollution May Be The Game-Changer

On Oct 1, a panel of world leaders and key experts in the fields of pollution management, environmental health and sustainable development gathered in Geneva to launch the Global Commission on Pollution, Health and Development. Like the Stern Review, which brought.

World’s Top Six Toxic Threats Affect 95 Million People, Steal 14.7 Million Years Of Life

A new report - The New Top Six Toxic Threats: A Priority List For Remediation - has been released by Pure Earth and Green Cross Switzerland. It is the tenth report in the World's Worst Pollution Problems series that over the years has served.

Bellandur Lake On Fire From Excessive Pollution

This post is from one of our resourceful communications summer interns Alex Rivlin, who spotted this story and realized the connection to the work we do. How polluted does water have to be to become flammable? Bellandur Lake is just.

What Is “The Brown Agenda” And Why Is It Making Waves?

  “… while most everyone has heard about “going green,” few are aware of the more dire and sinister “brown” pollution — places where man-made toxic pollutants have taken root and spread.” - from "The Brown Agenda," by Richard Fuller.

Applications Now Open: Fourth AuthorAid/Pure Earth Course in Research Writing

Calling all researchers. Are you looking to improve your skills in writing papers for peer-reviewed scientific journals? Do you have a draft of a scientific paper you are preparing for publication? Are you a citizen of, and is your research related.

Alerting Local Researchers To Mexico’s National Lead Problem

Mexico's 500-year old tradition of using toxic lead-glazes in pottery is a problem that continues to plague residents to this day. In our paper "Blood Lead Levels in Mexico and Pediatric Burden of Disease Implications,” published in the Annals of Global.

Usher,, Fall Out Boy, and Others Rally 250,000… and Pure Earth

Usher, No Doubt, Mary J. Blige, Fall Out Boy, Common, Train, My Morning Jacket and others rallied an estimated 250,000 people on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. on April 18 in a day-long Earth Day concert organized by the.

The Meaning of Pure Earth, and Actor Dev Patel’s Role in Our Name Change

  Blacksmith Institute has changed its name to Pure Earth.  Our work and commitment remain the same. "... in the end, it was Dev Patel, the brilliant actor who played the hero of Slumdog Millionaire, who pushed us to choose Pure Earth..


  What did we do in 2014? We are glad to report that it was a great year of progress in the fight against toxic pollution. Here's why: Out In The Global Field - Asia, Africa, Central Asia/Eastern Europe, Latin.

Focus on Research in Developing World: “We are missing the full picture”

  Over the past few years, Blacksmith Institute for a Pure Earth has embarked on a broad effort to expand research and understanding about the issue of toxic pollution, especially its damaging impact in low and middle-income countries, where pollution is the.

To Environmental Journalists: Address Underreported Issue of Toxic Pollution

  When an airliner disappears into the Indian ocean and hundreds of people are assumed dead, it’s huge news and millions are spent to find it and understand what went wrong. But in Zamfara, Nigeria, in 2010, over 200 children.

A Global Emergency: The Largest Cause of Death In The World Is Being Ignored UPDATE:  Our voices are being heard at the U.N.  Our call to #SpotlightPollution in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is making a difference. We've received 26 letters of support from governments, agencies, NGOs & universities. As a result, the zero draft.

Q&A with “Slumdog Millionaire”: Dev Patel on his Belated Birthday Present – A Pure Earth

[caption id="attachment_15288" align="alignnone" width="300"] Dev Patel with Freida Pinto at the inaugural PURE EARTH benefit gala in NYC on April 26, 2014.[/caption] Happy Birthday Dev Patel! Just three days after Patel's 24th birthday on April 23, the young actor/activist helped.

What Does A Pure Earth Look Like to Susan Sarandon, Anne Hathaway, Yoko Ono…?

What does a Pure Earth look like to you? This is what it looks like to Susan Sarandon, Anne Hathaway, Yoko Ono, Faith Ringgold and our other friends and supporters. PURE EARTH extends our deepest appreciation to the artists and celebrities.

Tools of the Trade: The XRF Finds Toxic Hotspots in Under a Minute

It is a small but powerful tool.  The handheld XRF (X-ray fluorescence) analyzer can identify toxic particles in soil in about 30 seconds, allowing remediation crews to quickly locate and determine the extent of any contamination, and potentially begin life-saving cleanup without.

Top Ten List of Worst Polluted Places Generates Worldwide Attention, Triggers Renewed Focus on Global Problem

The conversation about pollution just got louder. Since 2006, Blacksmith’s yearly reports have been instrumental in increasing public understanding of the health impacts posed by toxic pollution, and in some cases, have compelled cleanup work at pollution hotspots. This latest.

New List of Top Ten World’s Worst Polluted Sites Is Released

A new report released this November updates the top ten list of world's worst polluted places previously identified in 2006 and 2007, removing sites that have made progress, and adding new sites. "Top Ten Toxic Threats in 2013: Cleanup, Progress and Ongoing Challenges" from.

Guide To Lead Cleanup Now Available; First in Series of Global Remediation Guides

The Global Alliance on Health and Pollution (GAHP) has released a technical guide focused on the containment of lead, one of the world's worst pollutants. It is the first in a planned series of guides on best practices in global.

Blacksmith Newsletters

Welcome to Blacksmith’s Newsletter Archives. Sept/Oct 2013: Top Ten Toxic Threats in 2013 Helping Countries Abide by Minamata Bringing Poisoned Poor to the European Parliament Training Women in Senegal Why are Children in Mexico Still Suffering from Lead Global Remediation.

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