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Mercury Pollution

Informe Nacional Destaca Impacto de la Minería Ilegal y Contaminación por Mercurio en Colombia

La publicación del Informe Nacional: Minería Ilegal y Contaminación por Mercurio en Colombia marca un hito crucial en los esfuerzos por enfrentar los graves impactos socioambientales derivados de la minería ilegal y el uso de mercurio en el país. Este.

Women Miners in Madre de Dios Lead a Mercury-Free Future with Restored Landscapes

In the heart of the Peruvian Amazon, Madre de Dios faces the environmental and social challenges posed by artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM). However, a group of women is transforming this reality through an innovative project led by Pure.

Mujeres Mineras en Madre de Dios Lideran un Futuro Sin Mercurio y con Paisajes Restaurados

En el corazón de la Amazonía peruana, Madre de Dios se enfrenta a los desafíos del impacto ambiental y social causado por la minería artesanal y de pequeña escala (MAPE). Sin embargo, un grupo de mujeres está transformando esta realidad.

Perú Abriendo Camino hacia la Minería Responsable

El sector de la joyería tiene una oportunidad única de impactar positivamente en el mundo al optar por metales preciosos obtenidos de manera ética y responsable. En Pure Earth Perú, nuestro compromiso es colaborar con la transformación de la minería.

Peru Leads the Way in Responsible Gold Mining

At Pure Earth Peru, our commitment is to support the transformation of artisanal mining in Madre de Dios, a region of incredible biodiversity where traditionally informal, mercury-dependent gold mining has caused significant environmental and social damage. Through our project Strengthening.

Pure Earth Releases New Technical Protocols for Mitigating Lead and Mercury Exposure

In December, Pure Earth released new and updated technical guidelines and protocols on mitigating lead and mercury exposure, which draw on our 25 years of expertise in assessing and preventing exposure to toxic pollution. The protocols are based on our.

Colombia: Liderando la Regulación y la Lucha Contra la Contaminación por Mercurio

La contaminación por mercurio, principalmente generada por actividades mineras ilícitas, representa una de las mayores amenazas para el medio ambiente y la salud pública en Colombia, siendo el principal emisor per cápita de mercurio en el mundo, con una liberación.

Colombia: Leading the Regulation and Fight Against Mercury Pollution

Mercury pollution, primarily generated by illicit mining activities, represents one of the greatest threats to the environment and public health in Colombia. The country is the world’s largest per capita emitter of mercury, with significant releases stemming from small-scale gold.

Pure Earth Ghana Participates in the World Bank Regional Dialogue on Mercury and E-Waste Pollution Management

Pure Earth was honored to participate in the World Bank Regional Dialogue on Mercury and E-Waste Pollution Management in Tanzania earlier this month. Rev. Dr. Esmond Quansah, Pure Earth Ghana's Country Director, represented Pure Earth, presenting our innovative solutions for.

Colombia: Pure Earth Selected as Finalist in $1 Million Challenge to Reduce Mercury in the Amazon

Out of 121 applicants from 22 countries, a team from Pure Earth Colombia has emerged as one of the top 13 finalists selected for a $1 million challenge prize to protect the Amazon from impacts of artisanal and small-scale gold.

Peru: A Mining Association in the Amazon Learns the Art of Mercury-free Gold

In a remote mining corridor in Peru, a mining association called AMATAF is on a mission to change the face of gold mining in the Amazon. [caption id="attachment_19667" align="alignnone" width="600"] Land degraded by gold mining can be seen in the.

2021 Highlights: The Milestones We Reached, Work Accomplished

Pure Earth reached several milestones in 2021, including critical recognition as the most effective organization working today to solve the global childhood lead poisoning crisis! We are especially proud of this as it reflects the hard work put in by the.

Empowering Women Gold Miners in Indonesia: The Women in Mining and Energy Initiative

What a terrific team! Seven of the eight founding members of WiME (Women in Mining and Energy) in Indonesia. (left to right : Omar, Dian, Budi, Nukila, Khoirun, Dedy and Maya)   Jan. 2019--This month, a new initiative, Women in Mining.

Meet The Maqques: A Family Of Gold Miners Going Mercury Free So They Can Work Together Safely

Earlier this year, Pure Earth launched an ambitious project in Peru, supported by Brilliant Earth, a global leader in ethically sourced fine jewelry.  The goal: to transform the Chichiqueros artisanal gold mining community into a mercury-free model.  The Chichiqueros work in an area.

In Photos: Teaching Artisanal Gold Miners To Extract Gold Without Mercury

Meet Filipino gold miners Leoncio Na-Oy (pictured below, right) and Rudy Onos. Over the past few years, Pure Earth has been working with Leoncio and Rudy to test and teach a century-old, traditional method of mercury-free gold mining Leoncio rediscovered in his.

Pure Earth Pure Gold Benefit Sparks Golden Opportunity To Fight Mercury Poisoning

[caption id="attachment_16027" align="alignnone" width="300"] Actor Shiloh Fernandez with Caroline Dweck of Stephen Dweck.[/caption] Do you know where the gold in your jewelry comes from? Following the success of our recent Pure Earth Pure Gold Benefit Bash, we think many more people.

Fact Sheet: Mercury and Health

From the WHO Fact Sheet on Mercury and Health Key facts Mercury is a naturally occurring element that is found in air, water and soil. Exposure to mercury – even small amounts – may cause serious health problems, and is.

(VIDEO) In Their Backyards, Indonesian Gold Miners May Have Found Key To Reducing Mercury Emissions

Read the story on Medium. In Manado, at the picturesque tip of North Sulewesi in remote Indonesia, local artisanal gold miners may have found, in their backyards, the key to reducing mercury emissions.  Across Indonesia, you can see roofs of houses.

Mercury, Mining and Mongolian Ninjas

This week’s post comes from Andrew McCartor, Blacksmith’s program director for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, who was recently in Mongolia.   There is no preparing for the Mongolian winter. When I stepped onto the tarmac in the capital city.

Helping Countries Abide By Minamata

Earlier this month, Pure Earth was with the Global Alliance on Health and Pollution (GAHP) in Minamata, Japan, to witness the landmark signing of the first international treaty to curb mercury pollution, and to help countries abide by the agreement. To.

Fact Sheet: The Toxic Toll of Mercury – Facts, Figures and the Future of “Dancing Cat Fever” Disease

Updated 2019 Child gold miners in Indonesia It has been over 50 years since the first sign of mass mercury poisoning emerged in Minamata, Japan. Cats in the village started staggering and tilting, doing a strange "dancing cat fever." Then.

Filipino Gold Miner’s Mercury-Free Revolution

A movement is taking root in the small province of Benguet in the Philippines that might just revolutionize the artisanal gold mining industry and greatly reduce worldwide toxic mercury emissions. Gold miners there are rediscovering a century-old method of gold.

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