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Latin America/Caribbean

Colombia: Liderando la Regulación y la Lucha Contra la Contaminación por Mercurio

La contaminación por mercurio, principalmente generada por actividades mineras ilícitas, representa una de las mayores amenazas para el medio ambiente y la salud pública en Colombia, siendo el principal emisor per cápita de mercurio en el mundo, con una liberación.

Colombia: Leading the Regulation and Fight Against Mercury Pollution

Mercury pollution, primarily generated by illicit mining activities, represents one of the greatest threats to the environment and public health in Colombia. The country is the world’s largest per capita emitter of mercury, with significant releases stemming from small-scale gold.

2023 ENSANUT Report Findings on Lead Levels in Mexico

• 1.38 million children aged 1 to 4 (17.2% of the total population) have lead poisoning in Mexico (blood lead levels ≥5 µg/dL) according to the current Official Standard. • The population experiencing the greatest deprivations, such as living in.

Field Visit to the First Fairmined Certified Gold Mining Association in Madre de Dios, Peru

On a recent trip to the Peruvian Amazon, Rodrigo Velarde, Pure Earth Peru’s Country Director, Jen Maraccino, Pure Earth's Senior Director of Development, and Allison Charalambous, Brilliant Earth's Vice President of Responsible Sourcing and Sustainability, visited Artisanal Miners Association Tauro.

Pure Earth Mexico, the Ministry of Culture of Puebla, and Australian Aid Co-Organize the Pottery Knowledge Communities Meet-Up

More than 50 Pueblan artisans received training in modern and sustainable lead-free pottery techniques during the Pottery Knowledge Communities Meet-Up. San Bartolo Cohuecan will host a transformative event aimed at strengthening artisanal production and eliminating the use of lead in.

Lead in Food Products in Mexico

Lead was found in 18% of the most consumed foods by the Mexican population, including products such as rice, wheat, soy, pepper, guajillo chili, processed meats, and baby food. Researchers from Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City, the National Institute of.

Lead-Free Pottery Gathering in Tlayacapan, Morelos: Promoting Safe Practices and Preserving Cultural Tradition

The 4th Potters' Gathering highlighted the importance of adopting safe and lead-free practices in pottery production, thereby contributing to the health and well-being of the community. It is important to preserve the rich cultural tradition of pottery in Mexico, recognizing.

Spotlight on Peru: Leading the development of responsible models of mining

Rodrigo Velarde, Pure Earth's new Country Manager for Peru, shares an update on his team's work in developing responsible solutions to mitigate pollution, and achieving recognition in the Latin American region for its work to create the first mercury-free gold.

Spotlight on Mexico: Opening Up A World Of Possibilities For Families In Need

In this spotlight, Agustín Gama, Pure Earth’s new Country Director for Mexico, shares an update on the work of our team in Mexico.  Visit the Pure Earth Mexico page to learn more. For Spanish-language access, visit the project website

2021 Highlights: The Milestones We Reached, Work Accomplished

Pure Earth reached several milestones in 2021, including critical recognition as the most effective organization working today to solve the global childhood lead poisoning crisis! We are especially proud of this as it reflects the hard work put in by the.

Circle of Women: Creating Safe Spaces For Innovation And Health With Traditional Potters In Mexico

Why are women's circles important? Because as women, we spend our time caring for others. We take care of men, the elderly, children, but sometimes we forget to also take care of ourselves. Women's circles are important because historically, those.

Lead Poisoning Affects Over 1 Million Children in Mexico; Pottery is Main Cause

Pure Earth's Daniel Estrada testing the yard of a home in Mexico for the presence of toxic lead. What is the true scope of lead poisoning in Mexico? For the first time, we have a clearer picture, thanks to a.

Brazil: Helping The Potters of Maragogipinho Go Lead Free

In May 2018, Pure Earth held a lead-free workshop for nine potters in Maragogipinho, Brazil. This was an important first step in helping a community, where some residents had blood lead levels as much as 15 times above the EPA’s level.

Colombia Lead Poisoning: More Children Can Now Sleep Safely With Lead-Free Mattresses

For years, parents in Malambo, Colombia, didn't know that their children were sleeping on poison. Surrounded by five lead smelters, Malambo was heavily contaminated with lead. Over the years, lead had polluted the ground, settled on almost every surface in.

Lead Poisoning in Newborns: The Story Of Baby X in Mexico

Lead Poisoning Study: 300 mothers and their newborns In 2015, Pure Earth worked with the National Institute of Public Health (INSP) in Mexico on the first-ever effort to detect and measure exposure to lead poisoning at a state level in.

Colombia Lead Poisoning: A Clean, Lead-Free Mattress For His Birthday

Alejandro celebrated his 13th birthday recently with a new mattress, but what he received was a potential lifetime of safe and sound sleep. He is one of about 50 children living near a lead smelter in Malambo, Colombia, who we found.

From Mexico To Brazil – Sharing Solutions To A Shared Pollution Problem

When Pure Earth visited Maragogipinho, a village in the town of Aratuípe in Brazil, in 2017 as part of the Toxic Sites Identification Program (TSIP), the team found lead concentrations in the soil as high as 44,500 ppm (the EPA level.

Walking The Earth To Find Pollution. Meet Our Toxic Site Investigators, Watch Them In Action In Brazil (VIDEO) Pure Earth's toxic site investigators can be found the world over. Their mission? To walk the earth in order to find, map and assess polluted sites in low and middle-income countries, where residents are being poisoned where they live. The.

Colombia Lead Poisoning: Helping Children Break Free in Malambo

This post is by Charlie Espinosa, Pure Earth intern for Latin America. A 2014 study conducted by Universidad Naciónal de Colombia revealed high lead levels in all students attending La Bonga Elementary School. Located in Malambo, Colombia, the school sits in.

Restoring Rainforest Stripped By Gold Mining in the Amazon

Watch a video of the project above, or click here. This post is from Charles Espinosa, an intern working with our Latin America program team. Charlie is pursuing a master's degree in Latin American studies at Columbia University, with a.

Meet The Maqques: A Family Of Gold Miners Going Mercury Free So They Can Work Together Safely

Earlier this year, Pure Earth launched an ambitious project in Peru, supported by Brilliant Earth, a global leader in ethically sourced fine jewelry.  The goal: to transform the Chichiqueros artisanal gold mining community into a mercury-free model.  The Chichiqueros work in an area.

Transforming The Chichiqueros Gold Mining Community In Peru’s Rainforest Into A Mercury-Free Model

  Earlier this year, Pure Earth launched an ambitious project supported by Brilliant Earth, a global leader in ethically sourced fine jewelry.  The goal: to transform the Chichiqueros artisanal gold mining community into a mercury-free model.  The Chichiqueros work in an area in.

Report from Colombia: Investigating Toxic Sites

  This post comes to you from Alfonso Rodríguez, Pure Earth's new country director in Colombia.  The Pure Earth team at a toxic site visit in Colombia: (l to r) Daniel Estrada, Alfonso Rodríguez, John Keith Pure Earth has expanded its Toxic.

Peru: Emerging From A State of Emergency In The Labyrinth

[caption id="attachment_4960" align="aligncenter" width="879"] A view of the district of Laberinto from the Inambari River. Over years of constant shifting, the river has transformed the area into a complicated landscape.[/caption] Located about an hour from the city of Puerto Maldonado,.

Update on Latin America: A Dirty Talk and A New Research Paper

Dirty Talk With A View  For our latest Dirty Talk (Pure Earth's awareness-raising lunchtime series), we brought experts to the New York Times building to talk about pollution in Latin America. The event attracted a full house and boasted some of the best.

In Photos: Teaching Artisanal Gold Miners To Extract Gold Without Mercury

Meet Filipino gold miners Leoncio Na-Oy (pictured below, right) and Rudy Onos. Over the past few years, Pure Earth has been working with Leoncio and Rudy to test and teach a century-old, traditional method of mercury-free gold mining Leoncio rediscovered in his.

Project Highlights 2015: A String Of Firsts

Over the past year, we have started to finally see a shift connecting the silos that have kept efforts on the environment, health and development in separate disciplines. The catalyst for much of this progress has come from the creation.

Lake Titicaca Cleanup – Bolivia And Peru Pledges $500 Million

[caption id="attachment_16047" align="alignnone" width="300"] Photo by Alex Proimos (Lake Titicaca) [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons[/caption] A milestone has been reached in the long struggle to clean up the famed Lake Titicaca. Bolivia and Peru have agreed to provide more than.

Photo Essay Mexico: Lead Exposure From Traditional Pottery

AN URGENT CALL IN THE NIGHT Earlier this year, Sandra Gualtero, Pure Earth's regional director for Latin America and the Caribbean, received a late-night email labelled “URGENT.” It was from a nurse in Mexico who had just discovered a newborn baby with.

Dinner Served On 960 Pieces Of Lead-Free Pottery Sends Urgent Message Across Mexico

[Read a version of this story in Spanish.] At this year's Festival Internacional Cervantino, one of the most important arts and cultural events in Latin America, a dinner designed to showcase the culinary culture of Morelos state became a milestone in the fight against.

In Peru – A Path Of Gold And Destruction

Gold miners are revered here... This statue, which takes pride of place in the center of a gold mining town in Peru, speaks volumes about the relationship between gold and many locals. Artisanal and small-scale gold mining is a traditional.

Alerting Local Researchers To Mexico’s National Lead Problem

Mexico's 500-year old tradition of using toxic lead-glazes in pottery is a problem that continues to plague residents to this day. In our paper "Blood Lead Levels in Mexico and Pediatric Burden of Disease Implications,” published in the Annals of Global.

Want lead-free food? Visit the first “Barro Aprobado” restaurant in Mexico

[caption id="attachment_3044" align="alignnone" width="640"] The media turned out in force to help us launch "Barro Aprobado" and spread awareness about lead-free pottery in Mexico.[/caption] Across Mexico every day, millions of meals served in homes and restaurants come with an extra,.

Fact Sheet: Mexico’s 500-year-old problem (Infographic)

Up to 20% of Mexicans have elevated blood level levels. This is from the use of traditional Mexican pottery---the colorful plates, pots and other wares that you see in almost every home and restaurant in the country. Traditional Mexican pottery has been.

Tools of the Trade: The XRF Finds Toxic Hotspots in Under a Minute

It is a small but powerful tool.  The handheld XRF (X-ray fluorescence) analyzer can identify toxic particles in soil in about 30 seconds, allowing remediation crews to quickly locate and determine the extent of any contamination, and potentially begin life-saving cleanup without.

Snapshots of Progress in 2013 – LATIN AMERICA

Filipino Miners in Bolivia Roadmap For Cleanup More Pilot Projects on the Way Blacksmith brought Filipino gold miners to Latin America in 2013 to test and teach the Benguet method, (sometimes known as the "borax method") to artisanal miners in Bolivia. If successful,.

Roadmap For Pollution Cleanup in Latin America

A new report provides a roadmap that can be used to accelerate pollution cleanup in Latin America.  With input from experts from seven Latin American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay) and the U.S., the report examines environmental.

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