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Muchtar Mawardi dan Warisan untuk Kabupaten Tegal Bebas Timbal

Bagi Muchtar Mawardi, SKM., M.Kes., Kepala Dinas Lingkungan Hidup (DLH) Kabupaten Tegal, persoalan penanganan pencemaran, khususnya timbal, merupakan permasalahan besar yang memerlukan kontribusi banyak pihak. Di bawah kepemimpinannya, DLH Kabupaten Tegal melakukan pendekatan pembangunan sistem untuk mewadahi kolaborasi ini. Kini,.

Dr. Ade Mutiara on the Importance of Highlighting Occupational Diseases From Heavy Metal Exposure in Indonesia

The implementation of occupational health programs in Indonesia still faces various challenges. The biggest challenge - according to Dr. Ade Mutiara, MKK, SpOk, - Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) practitioner, is convincing companies about the importance of occupational health. They.

dr. Ade Mutiara, MKK, SpOk: Pentingnya Menyorot Penyakit Akibat Kerja (PAK) dari Paparan Logam Berat, Termasuk Timbal (Pb)

Penerapan program kesehatan kerja di Indonesia masih menghadapi berbagai tantangan. Tantangan terbesar menurut dr. Ade Mutiara, MKK, SpOk, praktisi Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3), adalah bagaimana meyakinkan manajemen perusahaan bahwa kesehatan kerja adalah hal yang penting. Perusahaan cenderung hanya memperhatikan.

Pure Earth’s Evolution Over 25 Years: A Q&A with Executive Director Drew McCartor 

Pure Earth's Evolution Over 25 Years: A Q&A with Executive Director Drew McCartor  To commemorate our efforts to solve pollution over 25 years, we sat down with Executive Director Drew McCartor to hear about Pure Earth’s journey from a small.


Selama puluhan tahun, Desa Pesarean, di Kabupaten Tegal, Provinsi Jawa Tengah, Indonesia, terkontaminasi timbel. Lebih dari 18.000 ton aki bekas (Used Lead Acid Batteries / ULAB) dan limbah peleburan logam dibuang di tengah pemukiman warga. Saat ini, Pesarean sedang dalam.

Spotlight on Umi Azizah, Environmental Pollution Fighter from Tegal, Indonesia

For decades, Pesarean Village in Tegal Regency, Central Java Province, Indonesia, has been contaminated with lead. More than 18,000 tons of Used Lead Acid Batteries (ULAB) and metal smelting waste were dumped in the middle of residential areas. Currently, Pesarean.

Spotlight on Indonesia: 5 Questions with Pure Earth Indonesia’s Country Director

Budi Susilorini, Pure Earth's Country Director for Indonesia, answers 5 questions to give you  insight into her work, and the progress her team has made.  Visit Pure Earth Indonesia for updates, and follow their them on Instagram.      .

Listen: What If Childhood Lead Poisoning was a Global Priority?

Globally, one in three children –up to 800 million–have blood lead levels that are higher than deemed safe by the World Health Organization. Despite clear evidence of harm, many countries do not have sufficient capacity to monitor or regulate lead.

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