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Pure Earth Launches New Lead-Prevention Program in Seven Countries

Pure Earth is pleased to announce the launch of a new program, “Mitigating Lead Exposure in Low- and Middle-Income Countries,” being implemented in Colombia, Egypt, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Peru, and the Philippines. Support for this program comes from a generous.

Muchtar Mawardi and His Legacy for a Lead-Free Tegal Regency

KLIK DI SINI untuk membaca artikel dalam Bahasa Indonesia. For Muchtar Mawardi, Head of the Environmental Agency (DLH) of Tegal Regency, Central Java, Indonesia, addressing pollution—especially lead contamination—is a major challenge that requires contributions from multiple parties. Under his leadership,.

Indonesia Kicks Off the First Phase of Blood Lead Surveillance Piloting

The implementation of the first phase of blood lead surveillance (BLS) piloting in Indonesia, as part of the Strengthening Health Systems to Reduce Lead Exposure project, has reached a significant milestone. Following extensive preparations since April 2024—including numerous technical meetings.

Muchtar Mawardi dan Warisan untuk Kabupaten Tegal Bebas Timbal

CLICK HERE to read the article in English. Bagi Muchtar Mawardi, SKM., M.Kes., Kepala Dinas Lingkungan Hidup (DLH) Kabupaten Tegal, persoalan penanganan pencemaran, khususnya timbal, merupakan permasalahan besar yang memerlukan kontribusi banyak pihak. Di bawah kepemimpinannya, DLH Kabupaten Tegal melakukan.

Valenzuela City and Pure Earth Philippines Launch the Country’s First City-Led Blood Lead Level Screening

In partnership with Pure Earth Philippines, Valenzuela City launched its first Blood Lead Level (BLL) screening program in September 2024, focusing on children with disabilities. This was the first city-led BLL screening and first screening for a particular sector, children with.

Dr. Ade Mutiara on the Importance of Highlighting Occupational Diseases From Heavy Metal Exposure in Indonesia

KLIK DI SINI untuk membaca artikel dalam Bahasa Indonesia. The implementation of occupational health programs in Indonesia still faces various challenges. The biggest challenge - according to Dr. Ade Mutiara, MKK, SpOk, - Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) practitioner, is.

dr. Ade Mutiara, MKK, SpOk: Pentingnya Menyorot Penyakit Akibat Kerja (PAK) dari Paparan Logam Berat, Termasuk Timbal (Pb)

CLICK HERE to read the article in English. Penerapan program kesehatan kerja di Indonesia masih menghadapi berbagai tantangan. Tantangan terbesar menurut dr. Ade Mutiara, MKK, SpOk, praktisi Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3), adalah bagaimana meyakinkan manajemen perusahaan bahwa kesehatan kerja.

Hidden Dangers: The Alarming Rise of Lead in Everyday Metal Food Ware

Pic 1: Shelves with metal cookware in Chennai, Tamil Nadu market Lead contamination in consumer products is a serious health risk, particularly in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), where it often goes unnoticed. A recent Pure Earth study, which conducted.


APA ITU TIMBAL? Timbal adalah elemen kimia yang banyak ditemukan di alam. Elemen ini memiliki simbol Pb yang berasal dari nama Latin plumbum. Timbal memiliki angka atom 82 dan berbobot 207,2. Karena beratnya yang relatif ringan, timbal bertahan di kerak.

Guest Blog: Yuan-Yu Wu Reflects On Her Exchange with Pure Earth Through the NCUSCR Professional Fellows Program

This post is from Yuan-Yu Wu, who participated in an exchange program with Pure Earth as part of the National Committee on US-China Relations Professional Fellows Program. Yuan-Yu is the Director of the Taipei Office and Project Manager, Illegal Factories.

USAID Assistant Administrator Gawande and Pure Earth Philippines Engage Key Stakeholders to Combat Childhood Lead Poisoning in the Philippines

Following USAID Administrator Samantha Power’s call for lead-free futures at DAVOS in January of this year, Atul Gawande, Assistant Administrator of USAID Global Health, met with the Philippines’ National Poison Management and Control Center (NPMCC) and Pure Earth Philippines to.

Yayasan Pure Earth Indonesia: What Does the Press Say about Lead and its Environmental and Health Hazards?

Preventing and reducing the adverse effects of lead exposure that is harmful to the environment and health, especially for children, is a commitment that Yayasan Pure Earth (PE) Indonesia continues to maintain. This commitment includes continuing to intervene in research.

Apa Kata Pers soal Timbel dan Bahayanya Bagi Lingkungan dan Kesehatan?

Mencegah dan mengurangi dampak buruk pajanan timbel yang berbahaya bagi lingkungan dan kesehatan terutama bagi anak-anak merupakan komitmen yang terus dijaga oleh Yayasan Pure Earth (PE) Indonesia. Komitmen ini termasuk untuk terus melakukan intervensi dalam upaya penelitian, intervensi teknis, rekomendasi.

Bangladesh: Photo Exhibition Highlights Lead Pollution Solutions during ILPPW 2023

During this year's ILPPW campaign, Pure Earth Bangladesh focused on enhancing the visibility of Pure Earth Bangladesh’s grassroots initiatives and underscoring evidence-based solutions through an online campaign and a photography exhibition.  On October 25, 2023, in collaboration with the Department.

Bangladesh: New Studies Reveal Alarming Findings on Lead Pollution, Need For Urgent Multi-Sectoral Actions

New studies reveal devastating new data on lead pollution in Bangladesh, the fourth most lead pollution-impacted country in the world. Learn more in this post by Mitali Das, Communications Lead, and Bushra Humaira Sadaf, Senior Communications Manager, Pure Earth Bangladesh. .

India: Government Committees to Make Bihar a Lead Pollution-Free State

Written By: Sandeep Dahiya, Director Advocacy and Communications, Pure Earth India This July, Pure Earth, the Institute of Environment and Eco-Development (IEED), Vital Strategies and  Mahavir Cancer Institute and Research Center convened a half-day, high-level conference “Understanding Lead Poisoning Prevalence.

Bangladesh: Pledging to Build a Lead-Free Environment

Learn more about how we are building support for action on lead poisoning in Bangladesh in this report from Bushra Humaira Sadaf, Senior Communications Manager, Pure Earth Bangladesh. [caption id="attachment_23810" align="alignnone" width="599"] Organizers and presenters with special guests, chair, and.

Pure Earth Bangladesh: Teaching 16 Million Students About Lead Pollution Through The National Curriculum

Pure Earth Bangladesh plans to protect their country's future by accelerating nationwide awareness through the inclusion of lead pollution into the national curriculum. Learn more in this post from Bushra Humaira Sadaf, Senior Communications Manager, Pure Earth Bangladesh. Protecting Our.

Spotlight on Indonesia: 5 Questions with Pure Earth Indonesia’s Country Director

Budi Susilorini, Pure Earth's Country Director for Indonesia, answers 5 questions to give you  insight into her work, and the progress her team has made.  Visit Pure Earth Indonesia for updates, and follow their them on Instagram.      .

Spotlight on Philippines: Pushing For Greater Good In Environmental Health

    I believe good comes from hard and heart work. That’s why I’m proud to be part of Pure Earth Philippines, a team willing to put in the hard work, motivated by big hearts beating for the greater good..

A World Free of Lead Poisoning – Roundtable Highlights Opportunities For India’s G20 Presidency

This report is from Sandeep Dahiya, Pure Earth India's Director of Advocacy and Communications. A high-level roundtable, "A World Free of Lead Poisoning," convened on Tuesday, 25th April 2023, in New Delhi, India, by the Center for Global Development, in.

Two Pure Earth Films Selected For WHO Health for All Film Festival: Watch Now

Update: "One in 36 Million," produced by Pure Earth Bangladesh, has emerged as the winner of the Grand Prix prize at the World Health Organization's (WHO) Health For All film festival. The film, directed by Bangladeshi filmmaker Arifur Rahman and.

Spotlight on Bangladesh: Taking Unified Actions to Solve Lead Pollution

In this spotlight, Pure Earth’s Country Director for Bangladesh, Dr. Mahfuzar Rahman, and Pure Earth Bangladesh Communications Lead, Mitali Das, share updates about the team's efforts to mitigate lead pollution in Bangladesh. Follow and stay updated on Pure Earth Bangladesh.

Looking for Lead in Markets Across 25 Countries

In 2021, Pure Earth launched an ambitious project to analyze the lead (Pb) content in thousands of consumer products in markets across 25 low- and middle-income countries. This project, the Rapid Market Screening (RMS),  is the first analysis of its.

2022 Highlights: A Year of Growth

2022 was a year of growth. Pure Earth programs doubled in size, enabling us to expand our focus on lead and mercury in the most impacted countries. As a result of this expansion, long-time Pure Earth officer Drew McCartor, who.

Bangladesh: Toxic Lead Cleanup Brings Hope to Residents In Mirzapur and Beyond

This report from the field by Pure Earth program officer Lavanya Nambiar shares updates about how our work is improving  lives in a village in Bangladesh .  In Mirzapur, a small village on the outskirts of Bangladesh’s capital city, Dhaka,.

India: Educating a Community Through Murals, Comic Books

Join us on a walk through a community in Vellore with Sandeep Dahiya, Pure Earth India's Director of Strategic Communications.  The people of Rangapuram, Vellore, India, are busy, have less educational opportunities, and are not very  aware of lead exposure.

India: Understanding Lead Poisoning Prevalence And What To Do To Protect India’s Children

Sandeep Dahiya, Pure Earth India’s Director of Strategic Communications, reports on this important meeting on childhood lead poisoning. Pure Earth India, in collaboration with TERI - The Energy and Resources Institute, organized a seminar on “Understanding Lead Poisoning Prevalence in.

Listen: What If Childhood Lead Poisoning was a Global Priority?

Globally, one in three children –up to 800 million–have blood lead levels that are higher than deemed safe by the World Health Organization. Despite clear evidence of harm, many countries do not have sufficient capacity to monitor or regulate lead.

Pure Earth Makes Global Waves During International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week

On October 20, just days before we launched our global outreach for International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week (ILPPW), we received word that Pure Earth President Richard Fuller was being recognized as one of Vox's Future Perfect 50, honoring individuals building a more perfect future. In.

2021 Highlights: The Milestones We Reached, Work Accomplished

Pure Earth reached several milestones in 2021, including critical recognition as the most effective organization working today to solve the global childhood lead poisoning crisis! We are especially proud of this as it reflects the hard work put in by the.

Bihar, India: How we celebrated a community, and helped them take action on lead poisoning

It was a day to remember. The celebration in the public town square of Karmalichak, a community in Patna, in the state of Bihar, India, was not only fun, but potentially life-changing. Organized by our local partner, the Institute of.


Empowering Women Gold Miners in Indonesia: The Women in Mining and Energy Initiative

What a terrific team! Seven of the eight founding members of WiME (Women in Mining and Energy) in Indonesia. (left to right : Omar, Dian, Budi, Nukila, Khoirun, Dedy and Maya)   Jan. 2019--This month, a new initiative, Women in Mining.

HSBC Volunteers Take Action Against River Pollution in the Philippines

This April, under the searing sun, over 200 volunteers from HSBC Philippines and the local community showed up to help Pure Earth take action against river pollution. Together, the group planted over 100 Camachileand and Talisay trees along the shoreline of Laguna Lake,.

Keeping Two-Year-Old Dexter and His Friends Safe From Lead Poisoning in Pampanga, Philippines

This blog post is from Indigo Golub, a communications intern at Pure Earth. She is currently undergoing a bachelors degree in History, Law, and Society at the American University of Paris. Meet Dexter. The two-year-old, seen here with his mom,.

Pure Earth’s Toxic Site Investigators Blanket 350 Villages In The Philippines To Identify and Map Pollution Problems

This post is by Madeline Walker, Pure Earth Communications Intern. Madeline attends undergraduate college at SUNY Geneseo, where she will receive a dual degree in Political Science & Communication. One day, she hopes to pursue a career in the fields.

Looking For Lead? No Problem! Quickest Discovery In Two Decades

  This post is from Andrew McCartor, Pure Earth's Regional Director for South Asia. A procession on the streets of Bihar, India. Finding and confirming pollution can be difficult because polluters don't advertise their activities, and many toxic pollutants are invisible and.

Notes From The Field: A Week In The Life Of A Pure Earth Staffer In The Philippines

  What is it like to be a pollution fighter for Pure Earth? We followed Lara Crampe (above), Pure Earth's Regional Director for Southeast Asia, during a recent week-long trip to the Philippines, where she met with local partners, visited.

Notes From The Field: It Takes A Village

The two lists you see above show the names of people in the village who contributed towards the construction of paved roads that now criss-cross the rural community of Dong Mai in Vietnam. On our recent visit, we saw lists.

Notes From The Field: In Indonesia, testing a playground, school, homes for toxic lead

A few days ago, we visited a school, playground and homes in one neighborhood in Jakarta to test for toxic lead. Children can get poisoned when they ingest lead flakes or lead dust that comes off of brightly painted playground.

Kolaborasi + Sinergi = Kunci

Program ”Penguatan Sistem Kesehatan untuk Mengurangi Paparan Timbel" di Indonesia Bagi organisasi nirlaba, kolaborasi sangat penting dalam mencapai tujuan organisasi dan menciptakan dampak positif bagi masyarakat. Selain itu, sinergi dapat membuat upaya gabungan bisa mencapai hasil yang lebih baik. Pure.

Collaboration + Synergy = The Key

KLIK DI SINI untuk membaca artikel dalam Bahasa Indonesia. “The Strengthening Health System to Reduce Lead Exposure” Program in Indonesia For non-profit organizations, collaboration is crucial in reaching organizational goals and creating a positive impact on the communities. In addition,.

Breaking the Cycle of Extreme Lead Poisoning in Pesarean, Indonesia

This week's post is from Angela Bernhardt, Executive Director of Communications for Pure Earth. After two and a half years in our New York headquarters, I took my first trip to the field with our Southeast Asia coordinator, Lara Crampe..

Project Highlights 2015: A String Of Firsts

Over the past year, we have started to finally see a shift connecting the silos that have kept efforts on the environment, health and development in separate disciplines. The catalyst for much of this progress has come from the creation.

In Bihar, Toxic Lead 150 Times Over Limit

This man is "cooking" lead by the side of a busy road. This is a fairly common scene in Hajipur, home to many of the 40 informal and unregulated recyclers of used lead-acid batteries (ULAB) in Bihar, India. In this densely.

Notes From The Field: Walking A Day To Seek Change In Kabwe

[caption id="attachment_3829" align="alignnone" width="559"] The man with Joe Hayes in Chowa[/caption] Joe Hayes, a hydrogeologist from the US, is a volunteer member of Pure Earth’s technical advisory board. Joe just returned from Kabwe, Zambia where he is helping to manage the.

India’s Lead Problem: More Than Just Instant Noodles

[caption id="attachment_16120" align="alignnone" width="300"] Instant Noodles by kattebelletje[/caption] Earlier this month, there was a lead poisoning scare involving a brand of instant noodles manufactured in India. The company promptly pulled the product and samples were sent to the Maharashtra Food.

(VIDEO) In Their Backyards, Indonesian Gold Miners May Have Found Key To Reducing Mercury Emissions

Read the story on Medium. In Manado, at the picturesque tip of North Sulewesi in remote Indonesia, local artisanal gold miners may have found, in their backyards, the key to reducing mercury emissions.  Across Indonesia, you can see roofs of houses.

Two Studies Reveal The Risks of India’s Unseen Pollution Menace

In India, Pure Earth has been working closely with local officials, industry and other stakeholders on the widely-documented problem of toxic pollution in the country.  In fact the government is planning on prioritizing the top ten worst polluted sites in the country for cleanup,.

A Toxic “Craft” Village in Vietnam Cleans Up (VIDEO) Every day, trucks full of used lead-acid batteries from cars, motorbikes and other vehicles are brought in from across Vietnam to the rural village of Dong Mai in the agricultural heartland of Vietnam. Dong Mai is one of thousands of toxic "craft".

Soccer Field Transformed From Toxic Lead Dump To Safe Play Space

[caption id="attachment_16187" align="alignnone" width="300"] This soccer field used to be highly contaminated with toxic lead. Children were being poisoned everyday.[/caption] In Cinangka, Indonesia, a playground near the primary school was so toxic that parts of the field had lead levels.

A Shower of Toxic Lead and the Mystery of Nine Dead Cows

This is the second post from Sarita Gupta, Blacksmith’s India director, from her recent trip visiting lead smelters in India. I work for Blacksmith Institute, which cleans up toxic pollution around the world. I never imagined sitting in my New.

What I Wore in Jaipur… and Why it Matters

  Sarita Gupta, Blacksmith's India director, contributes this post from India.       The fabled land of Rajasthan is known, among other things, for its vividly colored clothing. So when the opportunity came to travel for work to Jaipur, I.

Report from India: Lead Battery Recycling the Right and Wrong Way

This report is from Conrad Meyer, chair of Blacksmith's board of directors, who is currently in India with Blacksmith. Last week, we traveled to India to meet with the senior management of Gravita, an environmentally friendly recycler of used lead.

Snapshots of Progress in 2013 – ASIA

Prioritizing Sites For Cleanup in India Engaging the Chinese Public Vietnam's Toxic Craft Villages Exciting things are happening in India. Blacksmith's data on over 400 polluted sites has been integrated into a larger list commissioned by the government. This is the.

Engaging the Chinese Public in Environmental Issues

China is currently facing a wave of dissatisfaction over the state of pollution in the country with calls for greater transparency. A new Blacksmith project might just have a solution. This report is from Abby Schultz in Blacksmith’s China office: --- The.

Wishing for a Soccer Field that Does Not Poison

                Pure Earth is launching the cleanup of a lead-contaminated soccer field in Cinangka, Indonesia, so that children in the village can play without being poisoned. The project, starting this month, is being.

India’s Amazing Pollution Story

Our latest post appeared in the Indiaspora blog, reproduced below. Join us on May 7, 2013 for Blacksmith's Benefit for India. An Undesirable Export Recently, the nonprofit I work with received a letter from a man who said he was.

Filipino Gold Miner’s Mercury-Free Revolution

A movement is taking root in the small province of Benguet in the Philippines that might just revolutionize the artisanal gold mining industry and greatly reduce worldwide toxic mercury emissions. Gold miners there are rediscovering a century-old method of gold.

Vietnam’s Toxic “Craft” Villages

When an American plane went down in North Vietnam during the war, the story goes that a villager knew how to smelt down the plane for valuable aluminum. And that was how the aluminum village began. Today, it is one.

Global Team Profile: Promila Sharma Finding Common Ground to Solve Pollution Problems in India

In a country as large and diverse as India, Promila Sharma understands the value in bringing people together, even if they are on opposing sides of an argument. "I love the collaborative approach Pure Earth uses to tackle issues," says Sharma, Pure Earth's India coordinator,.

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