Solve pollution. Save lives. Protect the planet.

Complex problems require the involvement of many stakeholders to craft sustainable solutions. We bring together international organizations, government agencies, research and technical agencies as well as other NGOs.

International Organizations

  • US Agency for International Development
  • US Department of State
  • European Commission
  • Asian Development Bank
  • Global Mercury Project
  • International Institute for Environment and Development
  • United Nations
  • Wildlife Conservation Society
  • World Bank

Government Agencies in

  • Azerbaijan
  • Armenia
  • Colombia
  • Peru
  • Madagascar
  • Bangladesh
  • Mongolia
  • Tajikistan
  • Senegal
  • Indonesia
  • India
  • Tanzania
  • Ghana
  • Vietnam
  • Philippines
  • Cambodia
  • Mozambique
  • Ukraine
  • Kyrgyzstan
  • Bolivia
  • Uruguay

Academic and Technical Agencies

  • Harvard University School of Public Health
  • NYU College of Global Public Health
  • Hunter College
  • CUGH
  • EDSO
  • Indian Institute of Technology in Delhi
  • Johns Hopkins School of Public Health
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Mount Sinai School of Medicine
  • Quality Environmental Solutions, Inc.
  • Roux Associates, Inc.
  • University of Idaho
  • International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA)
  • Stanford University

Non-Governmental Organizations

  • Africa Clean
  • AGENDA for the Environment
  • ARE (Advocacy for Restoration of the Environment)
  • Asociación Civil Labor, Peru
  • Centre D’Appui Au Développement
  • Centro Terra Viva – Estudos e Advocacia Ambiental
  • China Chongqing Green Volunteers Union
  • Concept Biotech
  • Eco-Friend
  • Ecogea (Center for Ecological and Civil Initiatives)
  • EMT (Environmental Management Trust)
  • EnLAW (Environmental Law for the Wants)
  • EnviPro (Environmental Professionals Organization)
  • Environmental Journalists Group
  • Far Eastern Health Fund
  • Greener Beijing Institute
  • India Lead Zinc Development Association (ILZDA)
  • Janhit Foundation
  • KERF (Kabwe Environmental and Rehabilitation Foundation)
  • LEAT (Lawyers Environmental Action Team)
  • Map Ta Phut Hospital
  • Mayak NGO
  • Mechner Foundation
  • Medical Waste Management Committee, Cambodia
  • Msimbazi River Action Network
  • NEED
  • Oriental Environmental Institute
  • SEW (Sakhalin Environment Watch)
  • Somalia Environment and Development Organization
  • Volga Center for Environmental Health
  • Yunnan Environmental Protection Bureau