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Solve pollution. Save lives.
Protect the planet.

icon calendar October 2, 2024

Announcing a Leadership Transition at Pure Earth: Drew McCartor Named President and CEO

Pure Earth is embarking on a new chapter as we announce the leadership transition of our founder, Rich Fuller, who will step down as President and CEO after 25 years of service, effective November 4, 2024.

Under Rich’s entrepreneurial spirit and visionary leadership, Pure Earth (formerly Blacksmith Institute) has grown from a small team of engineers addressing industrial pollution in developing countries into a global organization that has elevated pollution, especially lead poisoning, within the global development agenda and pioneered new strategies to prevent exposure to toxic chemicals. Pure Earth is now positioned for even greater impact. The Board expresses its deep gratitude for his extraordinary leadership to bring us to this level of success.

Following a well-deserved sabbatical, Rich will continue with Pure Earth as Head of Special Initiatives, focusing on advancing critical strategies, research, and new interventions to tackle the challenges of lead and other toxins, especially those that have significant global health impacts.  

Rich will be receiving the Founders Award for his life’s work tackling toxic pollution at Pure Earth’s 25th Anniversary Benefit on October 21st in New York City

Pure Earth’s Board of Directors is excited to announce that Drew McCartor, a seasoned leader and current Executive Director, will succeed Rich Fuller as President and CEO. With 15 years of dedicated service to the organization, Drew has been instrumental in shaping organizational strategies, designing and executing global programs, forging key partnerships, and securing vital funding. His background in environmental law, coupled with extensive experience in both field operations and organizational management, uniquely position him to lead Pure Earth into its next chapter.

“I am deeply honored to take on this role and continue the important work that Rich began,” Drew said. “With our incredible team of professionals, partners, and donors, I am excited to expand our capacities, maximize our impacts, and continue advancing our mission of protecting communities from the devastating effects of toxic pollution.”

McCartor’s appointment follows a carefully planned two-year transition, during which he was named Executive Director and progressively took on greater executive responsibilities. As Pure Earth moves forward, Drew will build upon the strong foundation established by Rich, and continue adapting Pure Earth to meet the world’s most pressing environmental health challenges. 

“As Rich steps back from day-to-day leadership, we extend our heartfelt thanks for his unparalleled contributions and are grateful for his continued involvement in Pure Earth’s research and strategies. Under Drew’s leadership, Pure Earth is poised to expand its reach, deepen its impact, and continue leading the fight for a healthier, pollution-free future,” said Ethan Sawyer, Pure Earth Board Chair.

This transition comes during a major inflection point for Pure Earth. The years of effort to bring the issue of lead pollution and poisoning to the attention of world leaders paid off with the September 23rd launch of “Partnership for a Lead-Free Future”. This global coalition, spearheaded by USAID, UNICEF and Open Philanthropy, kicked off with 26 member countries, 38 partner organizations, and $150 million in funding with the ambition to end childhood lead poisoning in developing nations by 2040. First Lady Dr. Jill Biden joined the heads of USAID, UNICEF, Open Philanthropy, UNEP, WHO, World Bank and others to endorse the partnership and emphasize the need to tackle lead poisoning as an urgent global health priority. 

”This landmark event simply would not have happened without Rich’s perseverance and dedication,” said Karen Mathiasen, Project Director at Center for Global Development; Commissioner of The Lancet Commission on Pollution and Health; and Pure Earth Board member.

We invite our partners, supporters, and the global community to join us in celebrating Rich’s legacy and welcoming Drew as Pure Earth’s new President. Together, we remain steadfast in our commitment to “Solve Pollution, Save Lives, and Protect the Planet” and improve health by tackling the world’s most pressing pollution challenges.

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