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Pure Earth Researchers Investigate Lead-Contaminated Kohl Sold in the U.S. 

In April 2024, a global Pure Earth study published in Scientific Reports revealed elevated levels of lead in 12% of cosmetic samples. Two traditional kohl eyeliners from Pakistan had the highest lead concentrations— 290,000 ppm and 320,000 ppm (equivalent to.

Dr. Ade Mutiara on the Importance of Highlighting Occupational Diseases From Heavy Metal Exposure in Indonesia

The implementation of occupational health programs in Indonesia still faces various challenges. The biggest challenge - according to Dr. Ade Mutiara, MKK, SpOk, - Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) practitioner, is convincing companies about the importance of occupational health. They.

dr. Ade Mutiara, MKK, SpOk: Pentingnya Menyorot Penyakit Akibat Kerja (PAK) dari Paparan Logam Berat, Termasuk Timbal (Pb)

Penerapan program kesehatan kerja di Indonesia masih menghadapi berbagai tantangan. Tantangan terbesar menurut dr. Ade Mutiara, MKK, SpOk, praktisi Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3), adalah bagaimana meyakinkan manajemen perusahaan bahwa kesehatan kerja adalah hal yang penting. Perusahaan cenderung hanya memperhatikan.

Hidden Dangers: The Alarming Rise of Lead in Everyday Metal Food Ware

Pic 1: Shelves with metal cookware in Chennai, Tamil Nadu market Lead contamination in consumer products is a serious health risk, particularly in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), where it often goes unnoticed. A recent Pure Earth study, which conducted.

Announcing a Leadership Transition at Pure Earth: Drew McCartor Named President and CEO

Pure Earth is embarking on a new chapter as we announce the leadership transition of our founder, Rich Fuller, who will step down as President and CEO after 25 years of service, effective November 4, 2024. Under Rich’s entrepreneurial spirit.

LEAD (Pb) 101: EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT LEAD – Yayasan Pure Earth Indonesia

Yayasan Pure Earth Indonesia Educational Materials Translated From Bahasa WHAT IS LEAD? Lead is a naturally occurring chemical element denoted with the symbol Pb derived from its Latin name plumbum. It has an atomic number of 82 and weight of.


APA ITU TIMBAL? Timbal adalah elemen kimia yang banyak ditemukan di alam. Elemen ini memiliki simbol Pb yang berasal dari nama Latin plumbum. Timbal memiliki angka atom 82 dan berbobot 207,2. Karena beratnya yang relatif ringan, timbal bertahan di kerak.

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